Where Land, Sea, and History Meet ...

"From shipwrecks to wild storms -- if it happened on the coast of Cape Cod, prolific author Don Wilding has written about it." -- Chatham Living By The Sea Magazine, 2024

"Cape Cod & The Portland Gale of 1898" comes to the James Library in Norwell, Mass., on March 9.

Don is now at work on his next book, which has a working title of "Prohibition on Cape Cod: Running in the Rum." Look for it in 2026 from the History Press!

Don joined several other Cape Cod historians on "Mooncussers on Cape Cod," produced by Lower Cape TV. Watch it here!

"Cape Cod & The Portland Gale of 1898" comes to the James Library in Norwell, Mass., on March 9.
What they're saying ...
“Whether people take the message (of severe weather warnings) seriously is up to people who do what I did, and, of course, the great books that Don has written — hopefully as many people as possible read them, and they learn a lot, and they become aware of the danger, and hopefully they’ll do the right things and the best things they can do, and it wouldn’t come as a surprise.”
— Harvey Leonard, Chief Meteorologist Emeritus, WCVB-TV, Boston, on “The Point,” WCAI-FM (NPR), Woods Hole, Mass., May 23, 2024.
"Don Wilding … calls himself a storyteller, but he is also somewhat of a scholar. He’s a very dynamic man who pulls you into the stories of Cape Cod."
— Rhoda Flaxman, Retired Professor of Literature, Brown University, and Founder, Open University of Wellfleet, 2017

Other Cape Cod history books by Don
(click on covers to order)

If you get the chance to meet Don, or read his book, or see his presentation, I highly recommend you do.
— Peter Doherty, English Department, Tahanto Regional High School, Boylston, Mass.
(Don Wilding's Portland Gale lecture) helped with my research for my book (“Painting The Light”). A great connection.
-- Sally Cabot Gunning, June 2023
Don provides unique insights about the oscillations of nature’s fury that only a writer and historian of his caliber can offer. And the stories… oh, the stories!
-- Braintree Jim, Target Ship Radio, WOMR-FM, Provincetown
Historic Storms of Cape Cod” is a really good read, with lots of great pictures. I warn you, it’ll terrify you!
-- Ira Wood, “The Lowdown,” WOMR-FM, Provincetown