The Eastham Hiking Club is in full gear this fall. Hikes start on Wednesdays at 9 a.m., are FREE and open to the public; rain/heavy snow CANCELS. Hikes are 4 to 6-1/2 miles in 2 to 2-1/2 hours on wooded paths with some soft sand and hills.
Here’s the schedule through the end of 2016:
Oct. 26, Harwich – Sands Pond ~ Lorna Hutcheons Memorial. Leaders: Don & Bob. Rte. 6 Exit 10 S on Rte. 124. R at T at Church. Great Western Rd. to Sands Pond parking lot on right. Hike along Harwich ponds, herring run, marshland and cranberry bogs.
Nov. 2, Yarmouth – Boy Scout Conservation area, Weeping Tree. Leader(s): Chuck. Rte. 6W to exit 7, R 1 mi to Rte. 6A, R .5 miles to curve sign, R on Summer St, .4 mi to Dennis Pond parking area. Very limited parking, please carpool. Hike woodland trails to Kelley Chapel, Weeping Beech, past ponds to Boy Scout Camp.
Nov. 9, Provincetown - MacMillan Wharf East. Carpool 8:05. Leader(s): Mark. Rte. 6 to Provincetown. Park & Meet in the parking lot on MacMillan Wharf, Commercial St., center of town. Hike beach behind east Commercial St., return via old railroad bed trail, historic sites, houses of famous people.
Nov. 16, Wellfleet - Great Island. Carpool 8:40. Leader(s): Don & Bob. Rte. 6, L at Wellfleet Center lights, L at Commercial St., go 3.2 mi. L into Great Island parking lot. Hike to site of Old Smith Tavern, Great Island and Cape Cod Bay beach.
Nov. 23, Brewster – Punkhorn. Leader(s): Don & Bob. From 6A in Orleans, go past Rte. 137, .75 mi., L at fork at blinking light onto Stony Brook Road, .6mi L at Run Hill Road, about two miles to small parking lot on L. ~ Hike to scenic ponds and woodland trails of the Punkhorn.
Nov. 30, Truro – Head of the Meadow – Ridley Grave. Carpool 8:15. Leader(s): Chuck. Rte. 6 to Truro. R at Head of the Meadow Rd. Go 1 mi bear left at fork to the NPS parking lot. Hike through woods to isolated Ridley grave, return via Coast Guard Beach.
Dec. 7, Wellfleet Harbor, Mayo Beach ~ A one way hike, 2 1⁄4 hrs ~ Carpool 8:30. Leader(s): Mark. Rte. 6 to Wellfleet Dunkin' Donuts, parking lot on left before Wellfleet Center turnoff. Shuttle to start at Great Is. Beach walk, town walk, Hopper, grand hotel, oysters and Uncle Tim’s bridge.
Dec. 14, Truro - Ballston Beach, South (2 1⁄4 hours ~ Carpool 8:20) Leader(s): Don & Bob. Rte. 6 to Truro, Pamet Roads exit , R then L to South Pamet Rd., parking lot at end of road. Hike South along ocean cliffs to MITRE Site and return via woodland trails.
Dec. 21, Brewster – Nickerson Flax Pond Rd. Leader(s): Don & Bob. Route 6A to state park. Take first left off entrance road to end of Flax Pond Road. Walk woodland trails around Higgins, Little Cliff and Cliff Ponds.
Dec. 28, Wellfleet ~ Bound Brook Island, 2 1⁄4 Hrs, Carpool 8:15. Leader(s): Chuck. Duck Harbor ~ Rt 6 L at Wellfleet Center lights, L at fork, go 3.2 m. R at triangle in road, 1 mi. to parking. Hike from Duck Harbor to Bound Brook Is. Visit historic houses and cemetery on wooded paths.
LEADER: Don Light 508-247-9887, VKLight@comcast.net.
Co-leaders: Mark McGrath (508) 432-3775, Bob Rabenold (508) 255-6983, Chuck Thompson 508-255-8081.
Emails: markmcgrath@verizon.net; robertojrabenold@gmail.com; ctorleans@yahoo.com.
Email markmcgrath@verizon.net for bi-monthly schedules and/or weekly hike report with maps.
Carpooling is optional; meet at Orleans (south of rotary) Stop & Shop, left lot off main entrance.
#SandsPond #Harwich #Yarmouth #BoyScoutConservationAreaWeepingTreeYarmouth #MacMillanWharfProvincetown #GreatIslandWellfleet #PunkhornBrewster #HeadoftheMeadow #RidleyGrave #WellfleetHarbor #MayoBeach #BallstonBeach #NickersonFlaxPond #NickersonStatePark #BoundBrookIslandWellfleet #MarkMcGrath #DonLight #BobRabenold #Chuc #ChuckThompson #EasthamHikingClub